On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 11:22:41PM +0200, Christian Weerts wrote:
> I've already added a new front-cover-layout to
> http://armadillo.ffis.de/debian-cd-lt02/
> I suggest you read the Changelog.
> I hope it is the last one (for the front). :->
> Grisu:
> What about the Sponsors. Do we need to place them on the
> front-cover? I suggest to place them at the top/bottom of
> the back-cover and the CD itself. Can you ask the sponsors
> if they agree to this facility?
I hope this is ok.
Lehmanns ask about a text like:
"Ein vollständiges CD-Set können Sie bei www.lob.de bestellen"
IMHO this is ok, but lehmanns centric. Can you add something like:
"Ein vollständiges CD-Set können Sie unteranderen bei folgenden
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-- Michael Bramer - a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debsupport.de PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux BSD - Wenn Ihr Linux-Root nach dem Sandmännchen schon ins Bett musste... -- Juergen Ernst Guenther
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