we have only some days... In 4 weeks the linuxtag start and we have some
open task...
Open Tasks:
- somebody who work on the posters
-> see Mails from Joey. We have some LaTeX-Source. We need only
update this source and we have some posters!
- If we will make CD or DVDs we need some artwork! Can someone make
a cover etc? URGEND!
- mounting platform for the beamer
- a transport service for Joerg Jaspert
This is URGEND. We get some hardware from this person. If we don't
get him with his hardware ...
- debian day talks
- booth time shifts (Thimo Neubauer make this)
1.) Sponsors:
- I ask all our old sponsors from last year and I get some ACKs.
No NACKS, but some persons don't answer the questions...
Hmm, I will email/phone/.. the second/third time this days.
In the result, we will have some money. But only with money, we
can't press CD / DVDs! We need contents and a cover. (With out a
cover we will get nor money. We must honour our sponsors.)
Can make someone a artwork this week?
This artwort need:
space for the sponsor logos
words like 'Debian 3.0 Woody - LinuxTag 2002 Edition"
an a README like Text on the backside
Who make this last year?
If someone know some other sponsors, ask and send the email
address to grisu@debian.org.
2.) We must decide some points...
- make we a DVD and/or CDs
- what are the content of the image.
IMHO one person (Joerg Jaspert) is working on a normal
installable Debian CD Version (like last year). Can we get some
status report?
DVDs pro/cons
- put more/all woody deb's on the image...
- put a knoppix and a woody debs on a image
- not all visitors have a dvd player
- we can't test the dvd really (I ask and the DVD producer can
make a test DVD-R)
We don't have much time. We must decide something.
Joerg: Can you post a file/package list of your CD?
mobil phones ('handys'):
We should collect some numbers of the booth and debian day persons
and make a list at the booth. Maybe some one is need at the booth,
some one forgot his time shift, ... (we don't need this public)
-- Michael Bramer - a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debsupport.de PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux "Software is like sex: it's best if it's free" -- Linus Torvald
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