Debian @ Linux-Kongress, Enschede, The Netherlands, November 28th - 30th

From: Joost van Baal (
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 15:53:05 CET


I just ordered 50 Debian Tshirts to get printed, I'm planning to sell them
for about fl 25,- each, i.e. EUR 11.34, at Linux Kongress.

Joey, I assume it is allowed to sell stuff at the Debian booth, please
correct me if I'm wrong.

If I can get a car arranged, I'll bring a SPARCStation 20 running woody.

Anne, are you joining the booth? Are you gonna get CD's burned?

See you, Bye,


-- apache: "GET /doc/HOWTO/nl-html/Installation-HOWTO-NL/t3.html HTTP/1.0"
 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 95)"

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