Re: Comments on CD images v4 (was Re: new CD images (II))

From: Stefan Gybas (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 10:58:01 CEST

  • Next message: Eduard Bloch: "Re: Comments on CD images v4 (was Re: new CD images (II))"

    Michael Bramer wrote:

    > there is zip-ssl on the cd

    You mean zip-crypt? I did not find it on the CD either.

    Could you also consider including ISDN packages on the CD and updating
    packages with recent security advisories (exim, man-db)? And maybe
    update Samba to 2.2.0 (all RC-bugs don't affect us AFAICS).

    > NO. _I_ put no non-free on the CD.

    This is really bad. To me it looks like this CD is for end users and
    not professional admins (that's why we have KDE and Gnome, right?) and
    they will really miss Netscape - hust talk to them and ask which browser
    they are using. There is no working alternative browser yet, not even
    Opera. The second point is a missing JDK - and I'm not talking about
    kaffe here. :-((

    > This is a snapshot from woody (only kde, gnome and BF's are not from
    > woody) and not a 'privat edition' with changes. If you have problmes,
    > submit bug reports

    Yes I can submit bug reports, but my intention was to improve the CD
    images - I don't see how bug reports could do this now. I'm not really
    happy with the CD quality yet and it does not take much to make large
    improvements (I offered to build the new base.tgz) so why do you insist
    on a snapshot CD with quality limitations?

    My company (trustsec) is going to sponsor the CD so their name will be
    on the CD. If the CD has obvious problems (which are easy to fix) this
    will cause bad reputation for Debian and all sponsors. :-(

    > [locale.gen]
    > I know this. But this is Debian, this is woody and I don't like to
    > make a 'undebian' CD. If you Update a potato or if you install a woody
    > (with no changes in this area) at release time, you have to change
    > this file. If you don't like it, write bug reports or better make a
    > script in /usr/lib/base-config/ and send this to the libc6 maintainer.

    I'm sure that this will be done before woody gets released but this does
    not help us now. base2_3.tgz will contain the new locales version so the
    config file must be there with default settings from the installer.
    The CTRL-Z-and-edit-hack will only be used for upgrades.

    > But if you change base2_2.tgz with this, you must build all bin's etc.
    > new and use the new lib. This is very critical. Should we use the
    > 'testet' BF's on our CD or if we want it critical: should we use
    > woody-BF's?

    IMHO there were too many untested changes to base-config and dbootstrap.
    I think we should just upgrade some packages in base.tgz with the versions
    from testing (which are already on the CD as .deb). This does not require
    any recompilation at all - just unpack base.tgz and "dpkg -i" in a
    chroot there.

    > IMHO you have use 'MD5'-password (the first base-config question) and
    > with this a 'change config file question is normal' and debian like.

    Right, that was the problem.

    > can someone write a TOP-Level-README with
    > - some Install problems

    I'd rather fix them than document them. The remaining ones should be
    doumented, of course.

    I'm away until Sunday. If you want me to build the new base.tgz, I can do
    it on Monday. Happy weekend! :)

    Stefan Gybas

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