Re: CFP: Linux@work Amsterdam 2001, June 15

From: J.A. Bezemer (
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 13:29:05 CEST

  • Next message: Joost van Baal: "Linux@work Amsterdam june 15: debian booth bemensing"

    On Sun, 13 May 2001, Martin Schulze wrote:

    > Please fill out the attached form (use as much languages as you like,
    > but use at least english), so I can copy it to

    It's taken a while; I've just been way too busy with other things.

    Next time please don't put the form in a separate attachment but just include
    it in the main text (now I had to save & reload it).

      Anne Bezemer

    -- EN: -----------------------------------------------------------------

    <define-tag abbr>L@WA</define-tag>
    <define-tag year>2001</define-tag>
    <define-tag pagetitle>Linux@work Amsterdam</define-tag>
    <define-tag where>Amsterdam, The Netherlands</define-tag>
    <define-tag date>June 15th, 2001</define-tag>
    <define-tag infolink>>
    <define-tag coord><a href="mailto:">Anne Bezemer</a></define-tag>

    <define-tag intro>

        Linux@work is a series of free exhibitions/conferences covering
        the deployment of Linux in corporate environments.


    <define-tag involve>

        The Debian Project will be present with a booth demonstrating
        the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.


    #use wml::debian::event
    #Related Links here (free form)
      <li><a href="">Coordination page</a>
        <li><a href="">debian-events-eu mailing list</a>
          (<a href="">subscribe</a>,
           <a href="">archives</a>)</li>

    -- NL: -----------------------------------------------------------------

    <define-tag abbr>L@WA</define-tag>
    <define-tag year>2001</define-tag>
    <define-tag pagetitle>Linux@work Amsterdam</define-tag>
    <define-tag where>Amsterdam, Nederland</define-tag>
    <define-tag date>15 juni 2001</define-tag>
    <define-tag infolink>>
    <define-tag coord><a href="mailto:">Anne Bezemer</a></define-tag>

    <define-tag intro>

        Linux@work is een reeks van gratis exposities/conferenties over
        Linux-toepassingen in het bedrijfsleven.


    <define-tag involve>

        Het Debian Project zal aanwezig zijn met een stand waar de Debian
        GNU/Linux distributie wordt gedemonstreerd.


    #use wml::debian::event
    #Related Links here (free form)
      <li><a href="">Co&ouml;rdinatie pagina</a>
        <li><a href="">debian-events-eu mailing list</a>
          (<a href="">subscribe</a>,
           <a href="">archives</a>)</li>

    -- <end> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 01 2001 - 13:30:58 CEST