Re: LinuxTag CDs - my opinion (as if anybody cares)

From: Torsten Landschoff (
Date: Sat May 05 2001 - 02:19:18 CEST

  • Next message: Torsten Landschoff: "Re: Announce/confirm participation (Was: Re: [LT Infomail#2] Urgent issues - Debian)"

    On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 07:47:55AM -0500, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
    > * Roland Bauerschmidt <> [010504 14:26]:
    > > Hmm, weird. Are you mirroring stable, testing, and sid, both pool and
    > > dists?
    > That's not weird at all. You only measured the pool, but there are
    > still many packages not in the pool (look in the sid sources file for
    > Dictory =~ /potato/).

    No, he counted the stuff in dists/foo as well. Perhaps the difference
    is that he had du output the results in mb and I guess there is a lot
    of rounding errors going on.

    Anyway, we have to find a solution to this...


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