Re: LinuxTag CDs - my opinion (as if anybody cares)

From: Torsten Landschoff (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 16:16:46 CEST

  • Next message: Torsten Landschoff: "Re: LinuxTag CDs - my opinion (as if anybody cares)"

    On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 02:11:41PM +0200, Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
    > > all manually. I think we should make the whole beast scriptable so
    > > that whenever somebody needs to build custom cds he can base it on
    > > our work.
    > Sorry, you must have misunderstood me. I don't want to build the images

    That's what I expected :) It was the only conclusion I came to
    considering your mail and that there is no main mirror on pandora.

    > all by hand. In fact, that pandora doesn't have a mirror of main is
    > unfortunate. Maybe we find a better machine to build stuff on later.

    I have a machine with a local mirror but I can't say if I can give
    anybody access to it. My boss is out of town - I can ask him though.
    That machine would have a lot of disk space we could use for the

    > Joey said we could use hydra-old (some Linuxtag machine) on which we'd
    > probably need a partial mirror for Debian-Knoppix anyway. Another point
    > is that current not all packages from woody are in the pool. Thus we'd
    > probably have a few package in the old dists/ structure which I actually
    > don't like too much. I don't know though if moving those package to
    > pools on our mirror would make sense (could probably be scripted pretty
    > easily).

    Another question is how to organize the package on the cds. Do we want
    to maintain the pool structure there? I would say yes, since you could
    that as a starting point if you want your own mirror. But we should
    have symlinks from the section directories as well to not confuse
    old users.



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