Re: CDs

From: Jens Neppe (
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 22:46:33 CEST

  • Next message: Martin Schulze: "Re: CDs"

    Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
    > Jens Neppe wrote:
    > > I've played around with last years CD-Cover and you can see the results
    > > on if you want. So if you think this is a
    > > good version, I would linke to continue working on it.
    > I actually like the one we had last year better. The package list in the
    > backgound looked nice; I don't really like the yellow background on the
    > cover. In addition, we'll probably not have a cover this year, but only
    > the CD where we can print stuff on. You also wrote "potato" which I
    > don't like. Either we should write 2.2 with addition (since potato is
    > released now; last year it wasn't) or "woody"... Actually I would prefer
    > getting testing in a better shape than spending more time on potato. I
    > agree with tbm here.

    I just took the release-label from last year's version. This does NOT
    mean that potato should be taken. In my opinion, testing would be great!
    I thought the old label was a bit overloaded and oldfashioned. I tried
    to find a more >fresh< design. The Background is orange, by the way.



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