On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 01:07:12PM +0200, Peter H. Ganten wrote:
> Jan-Hendrik Palic writes:
> > On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 09:22:20AM +0200, Michael Meskes wrote:
> > |Wie wäre es, wenn wir ein System vorbereiten, dass gut läuft.
> > Basierend auf> > |Potato, aber mit neuerer Software wie z.B. Gnome
> > 1.4.0 und kde 2.1.1 für
> > |potato?
> > Da ist IMHO die beste Loesung von allen hier angesprochenen.
> Ich finde das auch die beste Lösung.
Ack. As of I will have holidays from 6.4. on (only two weeks though), I
could help in creating such a upgraded potato.
Perhaps we could talk about that a little bit during the "Braunschweiger
Linuxtage", but start some basic work before.
Written in english, as this isn't debian-events-de anymore.. :-)
MfG/Regards, Alexander
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