Re: LinuxTag

From: Frank Neumann (
Date: Mon Mar 26 2001 - 11:29:24 CEST

  • Next message: Peter H. Ganten: "Re: LinuxTag"

    Joey wrote:

    > . Roland/Peter/Franky: Hättet ihr wieder Zeit, euch um die
    > Herstellung zu kümmern?

    Sorry, but I'm afraid this time there'll be no time for me to help you.
    You see, I'm doing a booth together with some friends there myself this year,
    and we'll have a lot of demos to prepare ourselves. So, the only help I
    can give you is to tell you that J.A. Bezemer has put up my designs from last
    year at (go to the bottom of the page,
    look for "LinuxTag Special Edition"). You can get the original .xcf (Gimp)
    files there and probably use these as a basis for a new design.


     Frank Neumann (, ST Microelectronics, VIONA Development Center
           Karlstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany  - phone: +49 721 9134424

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