Joey wrote:
> . Roland/Peter/Franky: Hättet ihr wieder Zeit, euch um die
> Herstellung zu kümmern?
Sorry, but I'm afraid this time there'll be no time for me to help you.
You see, I'm doing a booth together with some friends there myself this year,
and we'll have a lot of demos to prepare ourselves. So, the only help I
can give you is to tell you that J.A. Bezemer has put up my designs from last
year at http://cdimage.debian.org/faq.html (go to the bottom of the page,
look for "LinuxTag Special Edition"). You can get the original .xcf (Gimp)
files there and probably use these as a basis for a new design.
-- Frank Neumann (franky@viona.de), ST Microelectronics, VIONA Development Center Karlstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany - phone: +49 721 9134424-- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-events-eu-request@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
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