Linux Expo Amsterdam posters / flyers

From: J.A. Bezemer (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 21:52:34 CET

  • Next message: Joost van Baal: "Re: Linux Expo Amsterdam posters / flyers"


    It's taken longer than I thought, both because some other important things had
    to be done and because I changed my mind a few times halfway the process.
    The flyer now looks acceptable, but I'm still open for suggestions how to do
    it better. (But very quick please, I'll probably print'n'copy them tomorrow.)

    Posters are "keep it simple" style, and I like them quite well. I want at
    least #1 in big format as it is "part 2" of the flyer campaign, poster #2 can
    be thought of as "part 3" so I'd like that as well.
    Posters are in .eps, A1-format .ps and 8-A4s-to-get-A1 .ps. The best way to
    assemble the A1 from the A4s: cut each printed page along the indicated lines
    (except the "outside" margins), then glue them firmly on another set of blank
    A4s (or A3s or whatever), finally cut the outside margins off. That way there
    are exactly 2 layers of paper everywhere, which looks the best when displayed.
    (Tell me if this explanation is too vague ;-)

    And I don't mind having many versions of these, they'll make very nice
    wallpaper. So everyone having access to some color printer please use it ;-)

    About the networking: I'm very sorry, but that's not going to happen. Nht
    NLLGG was the only interested party for sharing (several other associations
    don't even have computers), but NLG 500,- (ex VAT) is far above both our

    Paul: your bosses NLG ~250 is still available as sponsoring? If so, I'd like
    to have a logo / web address of that company RSN, to put it on the flyer.
    We can work out details in private mail.

    Oh, I almost forgot. The "to be printed" stuff is in
    Yes, you should get Everything.tar.bz2.
    And the debian_propaganda3* is still BETA; do use gv but not lpr yet ;-)

      Anne Bezemer

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