I got some more info from Lizzie. I've updated the page at
but here are the important things:
- selling is allowed
- electricity is free
- internet will cost NLG 246,72 (ex BTW/VAT?); do we want/need that?
(I can probably put all Debian webpages on a CD, and other nice things
like linux.com/org, slashdot frontpage -- you can mail me other ideas
- there is a set-up day at monday (afternoon/evening), times see webpage
- table is 1.20 meters, which means 3 17" monitors or only 2 if anything >17"
is present.
I'm still waiting for the technical manual. But since the registration form
took about 2 weeks to get to Paris (priority mail!) I'll have to be patient...
Anne Bezemer
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