Subject: Re: status of the CD
From: Alexander Reelsen (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2000 - 16:55:36 CEST
I just checked/tested sl-stormpkg and it's dependencies.
Package: sl-stormpkg
Priority: optional
Section: stormbas
Description: Storm Package Manager
What I do not like is the section. I changed it to x11. That package is
available under
And I did a fast dependency check. As it seems, the packages it depends on
are all already on the CD (lt2k-task is from roland's website):
alex@joker:~# for i in $(apt-cache show sl-stormpkg | grep ^Depends | perl
-ne 's/^Depends: //; s/, /\n/g ; print' | perl -ne 's/\(.*\)// ; print') ;
do echo -n "Check if $i exists: " ; if [ $(grep "^$i$" lt2k-task) ] ; then
echo "Yes" ; else echo "No" ; fi ; done
Check if dpkg exists: Yes
Check if apt exists: Yes
Check if libc6 exists: Yes
Check if xlib6g exists: Yes
Check if gdk-imlib1 exists: Yes
Check if libart2 exists: Yes
Check if libglib1.2 exists: Yes
Check if libgnome32 exists: Yes
Check if libgnomesupport0 exists: Yes
Check if libgnomeui32 exists: Yes
Check if libgtk1.2 exists: Yes
Check if zlib1g exists: Yes
It's up to you roland, whether you want to have it on the CD...
MfG/Regards, Alexander
-- Alexander Reelsen GnuPG: pub 1024D/F0D7313C sub 2048g/6AA2EDDB 7D44 F4E3 1993 FDDF 552E 7C88 EE9C CBD1 F0D7 313C Securing Debian:
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