Re: non-free Packages

Subject: Re: non-free Packages
From: Torsten Landschoff (
Date: Wed May 24 2000 - 09:57:57 CEST

On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 10:08:26PM +0200, Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
> (I think we have to take gs-aladdin out because AFAIK the licence does
> not permit unresticted distribution on CD. Torsten?)

There are a few restrictions we will probably be not able to meet:

  [The following are allowed by th license]
     (ii) Distributing the Program on removable computer-readable media,
          provided that the files containing the Program are reproduced
          entirely and verbatim on such media, that all information on such
          media be redistributable for non-commercial purposes without
          charge, and that such media are distributed by themselves (except
          for accompanying documentation) independent of any other product
          or service. Examples of such media include CD-ROM, magnetic tape,
          and optical storage media. (This is not intended to be an
          exhaustive list.) An example of a distribution that does not fall
          under this section is a CD-ROM included in a book or magazine.
          (This is not an exhaustive enumeration.)

Verstehe ich nicht. Warum darf man das nicht in einem Buch oder Magazin

Jedenfalls haut uns das hier wohl weg:

  [Jede Arbeit, die gs enthält, muß folgende Bedingungen erfüllen]

     (ii) You must cause the Work to be licensed as a whole and at no charge
          to all third parties under the terms of this License;
     (iv) You must accompany the Work with the complete corresponding
          machine-readable source code, delivered on a medium customarily
          used for software interchange. The source code for a work means

Also, wenn ihr mich fragt, laßt uns bei gs-5.10 bleiben. Obwohl gs 5.50
inzwischen GPL ist (muß auch noch ein Paket davon machen...)



Torsten Landschoff           Bluehorn@IRC               <>
           Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Committee Member

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