Re: Flyers for the Linuxtag

Subject: Re: Flyers for the Linuxtag
From: Alexander Reelsen (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 13:54:11 CEST

On Mon, May 22, 2000 at 01:41:22PM +0200, Michael Holzt wrote:
> > We don't have any German flyers left over, the last copies were hand out
> > at MMM. So yes, new flyers would be fine.
> If you don't have any other (probably cheaper) source, i may organize
> the printing with a local printer again. Afaik it was a good price last
> time and very good quality.
Fine. At least printing is assured. Now, anyone can take care of the
design? On the "Braunschweiger Linuxtage" there was a poster (by Joey if I
remember right), what showed some debian facts and all the new
architectures. That could be slightly changed and used as a flyer.

MfG/Regards, Alexander

Alexander Reelsen       GnuPG: pub 1024D/F0D7313C  sub 2048g/6AA2EDDB         7D44 F4E3 1993 FDDF 552E  7C88 EE9C CBD1 F0D7 313C
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