Frank Neumann (
Fri, 27 Aug 1999 10:54:42 +0200 (MEST)
Hi all,
how about some kind of leaflets/flyers/whatever for the Debian booth?
Can we reuse those from the LinuxTag? If I remember correctly, those had
a bit of text on them along the lines of "visit us at booth xxx on the
LinuxTag", so these would look a bit awkward in Augsburg at the congress..
Is anyone able to reprint some...500 of these if we change the offending
places to be either "generic" (usable on any kind of Linux fair/exhibition)
or to read " our booth at the Linux congress"?
Who has got the (TeX? Framemaker? Word?) sources for that old leaflet?
Redesigning it in e.g. Lyx or LaTeX/xfig could be another "real-life"
application to show at the booth (ok, of course we need to do that before
so the flyers can be printed, but we could "re-show" it there..).
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