RE : syslog patches

From: John Hughes (John@Calva.COM)
Date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 18:22:52 CEST

  • Next message: Andrew Pollock: "Patch to add a -x option to syslogd"

    [ patch to add [facility.prio] &c to log messages ]

    Nice idea, but I don't like some of the implementation,
    you use the same method of converting from facility,priority
    into text as "textpri" did, i.e. a loop, rather than a
    just a table lookup, you memset the buffer to 0's, you
    use strlen to find the output buffer length even though
    you almost know it, in other words I think you're being
    a little cruel to the poor old cpu.

    + if(LogPriority) {
    + memset(pribuf,'\0',sizeof(pribuf));


    + decodepri(f->f_prevpri,&fac,&sev);
    + strcpy(pribuf," [");
    + pb=pribuf+strlen(pribuf);
            pb = pribuf + 2;
    + if(LogPriority & 1) {
    + }
    + strcpy(pb,"] ");
            pb += 2;
    + v->iov_base = pribuf;
    + v->iov_len = strlen(pribuf);

            v->iov_len = pb - pribuf;

    + } else {

    A little macro makes the "+2" stuff more appealing:

    #define STRCAT(s1,s2) \
            memcpy (s1, s2, sizeof s2 - 1); s1 += sizeof s2 - 1;

    If we could assume a recent c library you could replace

            sprintf (pb, ....); pb += strlen (pb);


            pb += sprintf (pb, ....);

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