Re: Linuxtag 2k4

From: Joerg Jaspert (
Date: Sat Feb 28 2004 - 12:16:05 CET

Michael Banck <> writes:

> One thing I noticed last year was that many people asked for specific
> related projects, but nobody of that project was around at that time, so
> we could just say: "*shrug*". It would be nice if either somebody of the
> project would be around, or they temporarily remove their poster from
> the booth or they tell the booth personell how to proceed in case of
> inquieries.

Yes. We should make that a requirement. Have at least one person always
available or in near distance.

bye Joerg
<Wrecktum> Deine Größe macht mich klein 
<@joerg> doll
<Wrecktum> du darfst mein Bestrafer sein 
(!) Wrecktum was kicked from #german by joerg [ok]

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