Re: status update LT 2003 CD

From: Eduard Bloch (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 14:07:51 CEST

#include <hallo.h>
* Michael Bramer [Thu, Jun 05 2003, 10:08:40AM]:

> > english. I don't know about a Debian release where you have the language
> > you choose during the base install after the reboot.
> IMHO Eduard had fixed this in some version? Eduard?

No, I suggested it and made a patch but it was torpedoed by some
influentive developer and wrong timeline expectations. IIRC Petter
Reinholdsen worked on a similar patch (or actually have working locales
setup in base-config) and Marcus Moeller worked on a similar
simple integration of locales support.


> > Grisu what about a new pdf of the "Debian Guide"? Or should I kill this
> > task from my todo list and use the version from last year?
> Use the old one. If I can make a update I will send you a newer version.

Is there still the old combo FAQ page started when running Windows? We
should refresh it with d-u-g- and


<jjFux> "VIM - verbesserter Vi" - Wer hat an meinem LANG gedreht...
<forcer> jjFux: scheis i18n, das müsste vvi sein, nich vim

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