Re: "linuxtag"-cleanup package

Subject: Re: "linuxtag"-cleanup package
From: Marcelo E. Magallon (
Date: Mon May 22 2000 - 23:01:06 CEST

>> Roland Rosenfeld <> writes:

> > BTW, re version, 4.72 (glibc 2.0) is working fine for me...

> Did you try to open many frames (Alt-N) and close them (Alt-W or
> via window manager)? My experience was, that netscape randomly
> died when closing windows (especially when closing the first
> window, which was opened).

Yes, netscape dies when closing a window, but AFAIK this
libnsfix-something library that the debian wrapper preloads tries to
work arround this very problem. It has something to do with this
stupid dns-helper netscape uses...


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