Re: Flyers..recations..?

Martin Schulze (joey)
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 23:47:22 +0200

Frank Neumann wrote:
> just checking - I haven't yet received a single mail with comments about the
> english version of the flyer - does that mean that noone of you has yet
> looked through it, or are you just happy with it? :-)

I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to fiddle with X or something. The German
version was ok.

> I'll be away from Friday to Monday, and I guess I'll print them next week
> on Tuesday. I thought of 200 english + 200 german flyers, printed on

Much too less.

Please make at least 500 + 500. I'd rather do 1000 english and 500

I'll need them at one or two more events this year, Blinder will need
them in February next year. It does not make sense to print them again
for each and every event unless we're going to change the content.

> colored paper (I planned a warm gold-orange tone) and folded, costs 135,-

I hope one can distinguish the language from the cover :-)



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